sexta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2007

Em defesa do Feminismo - Contra o Revisionismo Histórico

Navegando por aqui e por ali cheguei a um grupo de discussão americano cujo objectivo não percebi muito bem, mas basicamente pareceu-me que eram uma cambada de retardados, nenhum capaz de dizer uma palavra sem dar dois erros e cujos temas de conversa passam inevitavelmente por assimilar feminismo, homossexualidade, judaísmo, nazismo e fundamentalismo islâmico. Eu sei que é igualzinho, mas era um grupo americano, logo não podiam ser os autores d'O Demente.
Entre alguns dos sítios que os ratos lá do sítio aconselham a ir visitar está o inefável IHR. Outros links vi, cada um pior que o outro e alguns curiosamente nazis; como podem imaginar, não me apetece fazer publicidade aos mesmos. No entanto, o IHR é um must.
Provavelmente alguns conhecerão o argumento já utilizado pela senhora que ninguém percebe se já está definitivamente senil ou se sempre foi idiota que resolveu escrever artigos como Down with the Feminazis.

Precisamente a respeito do alegado totalitarismo feminista e dos seus alegados tiques nazis, gostaria de trazer um discurso de Goebbels. De facto, creio que os Dementes até apoiariam o que ele afirmou no dia 18 de Março de 1933:
[...] those things that belong to the man must remain his. That includes politics and the military. That is not to disparage women, only a recognition of how she can best use her talents and abilities.
Looking back over the past years of Germany's decline, we come to the frightening, nearly terrifying, conclusion that the less German men were willing to act as men in public life, the more women succumbed to the temptation to fill the role of the man. The feminization of men always leads to the masculinization of women. An age in which all great idea of virtue, of steadfastness, of hardness, and determination have been forgotten should not be surprised that the man gradually loses his leading role in life and politics and government to the woman.
It may be unpopular to say this to an audience of women, but it must be said, because it is true and because it will help make clear our attitude toward women.
revolutionary transformations have largely taken from women their proper tasks. Their eyes were set in directions that were not appropriate for them. The result was a distorted public view of German womanhood that had nothing to do with former ideals.
A fundamental change is necessary. At the risk of sounding reactionary and outdated, let me say this clearly: The first, best, and most suitable place for the women is in the family, and her most glorious duty is to give children to her people and nation, children who can continue the line of generations and who guarantee the immortality of the nation. The woman is the teacher of the youth, and therefore the builder of the foundation of the future. If the family is the nation's source of strength, the woman is its core and center. The best place for the woman to serve her people is in her marriage, in the family, in motherhood. This is her highest mission.
A characteristic of the modern era is a rapidly declining birthrate in our big cities. In 1900, two million babies were born in Germany. Now the number has fallen to one million. This drastic decline is most evident in the nation's capital. In the last fourteen years, Berlin's birthrate has become the lowest of any European city. By 1955, without emigration, it will have only about three million inhabitants. The government is determined to halt this decline of the family and the resulting impoverishment of our blood. There must be a fundamental change. The liberal attitude toward the family and the child is responsible for Germany's rapid decline.

E agora, quem é o nazi?

3 comentários:

""#$ disse...

Protesto veementemente contra o uso da palavra demente.
Eles são o "detergente".

Igor Caldeira disse...

Desculpa mas não concordo. O detergente limpa. E eles não passam de uma trampa.

Eurydice disse...

É interessante cair aqui em plena questão semântica, rapazes!... :)